Brendas Makeup Chair


Hi and welcome to my brand new website, my name is Brenda and I am the creator of Brendas Makeup Chair, each week I will upload a makeup look, routine, reviews etc this is a website mainly to showcase my work and for people who is not on Facebook or Instagram were I post most of my looks, feel free to have a look around when I post and if you have any questions don’t  be afraid to message me my contact details will be available on the contact page . 

Brendas Makeup Chair ✌🏻

Hey everyone just a short post tomorrow I’m heading off to see Nathan carter at the 3 arena, which got me thinking about my next look so in the next couple weeks of days I’m going to post three makeup looks suitable for concerts one going to be simple glam, second is going to be full glam smokey and the other is going to be a glitter eye look all suitable for concerts and of course music festivals